Legal Ethics

Judge in Casey Anthony Trial Warns Lawyers of Possible Sanctions, Threatens to Cut Lunch Breaks

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A visibly irked judge in a high-profile Orlando, Fla., murder trial warned lawyers for both sides that he will consider possible legal ethics sanctions once the case concludes if their “gamesmanship” continues.

Judge Belvin Perry also threatened to start the day earlier in Casey Anthony’s first-degree murder trial and cut the lawyers’ 90-minute lunch breaks to stay on track, reports the Crimesider blog of CBS News.

“Enough is enough,” said Perry. “Both sides need to be forewarned. I may have to consider exclusion of testimony, even at the price of having to do this all over. It may be the proper remedy if this continues,” Reuters reports.

Anthony, 25, is accused of killing her young daughter, Caylee. She has pleaded not guilty, and her lawyer contended in opening statements that the toddler died in an accidental drowning that was covered up by her father.

CNN’s Nancy Grace blog also has a story.