
Judge Apologizes for Posting Photos of Arrestees Wearing Obama Shirts

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A Texas judge has apologized for posting photos on a courthouse bulletin board of nine arrestees wearing Obama T-shirts.

Judge Tom Head of Lubbock County also posted printouts with the photos suggesting that Republican presidential supporters generally didn’t get arrested, the Associated Press reports.

Head told the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal that he “truly never meant any racial disrespect” by displaying the nine photos, seven of which pictured black arrestees. Head said he has been posting items on the bulletin board for about five years as a way for those who disagree with his views to contact him.

“I have posted satire, current events, and many other materials covering a range of issues that I felt were interesting or worthy of discussion,” he wrote. “This is the first time any of those materials have been interpreted in a much different way than it was intended.”

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