Judge accused of stealing cocaine from evidence likely impaired, says lawyer in conviction challenge
A retired Pennsylvania judge accused of stealing cocaine from evidence and replacing it with baking soda while still on the bench likely was impaired when he decided a murder case four years ago, a defense lawyer says.
So attorney Brian Zeiger is challenging the third-degree murder bench conviction of Robert Urwin Jr., 58. He seeks a new trial for his client, outside of the county, because former Washington County Common Pleas Judge Paul Pozonsky knew some of the judges who still work there, the Associated Press reports.
“It is very likely Pozonsky was using cocaine in his chambers during work hours and while deciding to convict Robert Urwin,” Zeiger wrote in a court filing, pointing out that complex DNA evidence was at issue in his client’s case.
Pozonsky, 59, pleaded guilty earlier this year in a theft case and awaits sentencing later this month.
Related coverage:
ABAJournal.com: “Ex-judge charged with stealing drug evidence while on the bench”
ABAJournal.com: “Retired judge could lose pension after pleading guilty to stealing cocaine evidence in his cases”
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