
'Jesus Christ' Excused From Jury Duty for Being Disruptive

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A Birmingham, Ala., woman who legally changed her name to Jesus Christ was excused from jury duty this week after becoming disruptive.

The woman, formerly known as Dorothy Lola Killingworth, caused a stir at the Jefferson County courthouse first with her name, then because she couldn’t keep quiet.

Instead of answering questions, she was asking them, a court employee told the Birmingham News.

The incident that generated a short, 200-word news report in the Birmingham News, has drawn national and some international attention.

Here are some of the headlines:

Tonic: “Jesus Christ” No Perfect Juror”

All Headline News: “What Did Jesus Do? Christ Kicked Out Of Court”

Metro.com.uk: “‘Disruptive’ Jesus Christ removed from jury”

WSJ Law Blog: “Jesus Christ (That’s Right, Jesus Christ) Dismissed From Jury Pool”