Ivy League JDs Proliferate in Obama ‘Achievatron’ Administration
Barack Obama is relying on a team of Ivy-League “overeducated Achievatrons” to advise him, including several with law degrees from Yale, according to an op-ed columnist.
“This truly will be an administration that looks like America, or at least that slice of America that got double 800s on their SATs,” writes columnist David Brooks in the New York Times. “If a foreign enemy attacks the United States during the Harvard-Yale game any time over the next four years, we’re screwed.”
Among the Yale J.D.s who may be on Obama’s team include Hillary Clinton as secretary of state and Jim Steinberg as her deputy. Others with Yale law degrees on the team include White House counsel Greg Craig and Blair Levin, who serves in a technology working group.
Obama himself has a Harvard law degree as does his wife, Michelle. A separate New York Times story notes she will be the second first lady with a law degree (Hillary Clinton was the first) and the third with an advanced degree (Laura Bush has a master’s degree in library science).
Barack Obama is the second president with a Harvard law degree. The first was Rutherford Hayes.
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