Question of the Week

Is Your Office Supporting Any Charities This Holiday Season?

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Many law firms and corporations like to give back to causes close to the members of their staffs. And at this time of year, as billings are collected, checks to charities are cut.

And the legal profession makes other efforts to do good: A University of Illinois law professor recently launched The Give Blog: Conscious Living and Giving, which has posts that profile different charity groups as well as “conscious living” posts about the authors’ struggles with attachment to material possessions.

So we want to know: What cause is near and dear to the heart of your office? Does your firm make a cash donation at this time of year, or does it have a relationship with a group that it serves throughout the year? Why is this cause a special one to your firm?

Answer in the comments below.

Read the answers to last week’s question: What Have You Had to Become an Expert in to Win a Case?

Featured Answer:

Posted by DKDK: “Odors. Twenty years ago I had a case in which one issue was whether a closed landfill was causing the surrounding neighborhood to smell bad. I hired one of the top noses in the country (an odor expert) and he taught me all about the art and science of odors. We toured various smelly places in the vicinity (like a waste treatment plant) to determine whether there was some other source of the odors.”