Question of the Week

If You Were the Legal Ed Czar, What Would You Do?

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We hear loads of grumbling in the comments on this site about law schools failing their student population by not preparing them: to actually be lawyers; to manage the significant debt accumulated on the road to J.D.; and to fully understand their options. And we also hear from law schools that they’re considering a new direction or new emphasis in legal education. This summer, Northwestern became the first top-tier school to promise a two-year J.D.

All this complaining and legal ed angst made us wonder …

If you were in charge, as the recently appointed U.S. Law School Czar, what key change would you make in the way we educate and train lawyers?

Answer in the comment section below.

Read the answers to last week’s question about co-workers with hero complexes.

No standout favorites from last week.

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