Question of the Week

If you had a do-over, would you still go to law school?

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Eraser rubs out stick figure.

Photo by Andrey_Popov/

Lawyers early in their career often are conflicted about their choices. In a survey of the Florida Bar's Young Lawyers Division, released earlier this year, 30% of respondents would not enroll in law school knowing what they know now, and 32% gave the paper chase a lukewarm "maybe."

In another early career survey, placement firm Major, Lindsey & Africa found that associates were dissatisfied with workload demands.

Such findings are no surprise to law professors and legal recruiters. David Van Zandt, president of The New School and a 2009 ABA Journal Legal Rebel, is among educators who advocate having work experience before going to law school. For their part, firms are rethinking workplace practices, including inclusion, business attire and nontraditional benefits.

This week, we’d like to ask: If you had a do-over, would you still go to law school? How would it be different this time? What aspect of your career path has proven most challenging, and how would you have prepared for it?

Answer in the comments on our social media channels via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Check out last week’s question: What punctuation errors have you come across in your legal career?

And view some of last week’s answers from Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Featured answer:

Posted by Brenda Horrigan on LinkedIn:

“My favorite is affectionately known as the ‘$45 million comma’—bilingual contract, both languages of equal force. In one language, the comma placement in the arbitration clause called for arbitration to be brought in 60 days; in the other language, the parties had to wait for 60 days before they could initiate. Internally inconsistent, and put jurisdiction—and the ultimate award—at risk.”

Do you have an idea for a future Question of the Week? If so, contact us.

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