If states want July bar exam, NCBE will have testing materials
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Some states have postponed the July bar exam because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But the National Conference of Bar Examiners determined Tuesday that there will be a sufficient number of examinees to release July exam materials.
In addition, the NCBE will make more bar exam materials available for two fall administrations, the organization wrote in an email to the ABA Journal. The July materials will be the Multistate Essay Examination, the Multistate Performance Test and the Multistate Bar Examination.
“We also continue to study and formulate options for an emergency remote assessment for those jurisdictions that cannot administer an in-person bar exam due to COVID-19 restrictions,” according to the email.
Some testing experts question whether remotely proctored exams can deliver valid and reliable outcomes.
So far, 19 jurisdictions announced plans to cancel or postpone the July bar exam. Others are still undecided. According to the NCBE website, states that have July bar exams scheduled include Arizona, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Washington and Wyoming.
Indiana has plans for a July exam administered remotely, as does California for July or September. Nevada is considering a July remote exam, which would be an open-book test.
States with tentative July bar exams, with plans for a September exam if a summer test is not possible, include Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina and Oregon.
See also:
ABAJournal.com: “After California announces online bar exam, some testing experts wonder whether it will work”
ABAJournal.com: “First state plans for online bar exam if in-person test is not possible”
ABAJournal.com: “California bar exam will be postponed and administered online”
Updated May 8 at 12:17 p.m. to add information about California, Indiana and Nevada bar exams.
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