
Hulk Hogan's Costly Divorce Focuses on Maintenance Man's Work

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Is Hulk Hogan requiring his family’s maintenance man to work too hard? And is the former professional wrestler asking the worker to spy on Hogan’s soon-to-be ex-wife?

These were some of the high-priority issues being addressed in a Florida court hearing yesterday in the latest chapter of ongoing divorce proceedings between Hogan (whose real name is Terry Bollea) and his wife, Linda, reports the This Just In blog of the St. Petersburg Times.

Pinellas County Circuit Judge George Greer must now decide how the maintenance man should properly allocate his work between the couple’s respective homes, the newspaper article explains. There apparently is no word yet on the court’s ruling on this latest motion, which contends that Hogan has violated an agreement about paying Linda Bollea’s expenses by changing the maintenance man’s duties and then allegedly refusing to pay him. She apparently is seeking contempt sanctions, including jail time, against her husband.

Letters passed between attorneys on both sides before a motion was filed. In a Dec. 29 letter included in the court file, attorney David Houston wrote on Hogan’s behalf: “I think it would be a ridiculous waste of your client’s money and my client’s money to present this matter to Judge Greer for what should be a relatively easy decision.”

In his version of the story, Linda Bollea is to blame for problems concerning the maintenance man’s work, because she allegedly prohibited him from working or even talking to her husband. “When this happened, Hulk decided to stop paying Cruz until the issue could be resolved,” the Times article recounts..

Many more details about the couple’s ongoing marital strife are provided in a newspaper web page linking to a multitude of earlier articles.

Earlier ABAJournal.com coverage:

Hulk Hogan Case Shows How Celebrity Divorce is Different

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