How to Take Control in a Down Economy
Protecting your financial future and achieving your career goals in a tough economy will be the focus of an audio webcast titled “Recession-Proof Yourself: Take Control in a Down Economy,” sponsored by the ABA Center for Continuing Legal Education on Tuesday, June 16 at 1 p.m. ET.
The program will feature:
• Susan Berson, of the Banking & Tax Law Group LLP, Leawood, Kan., and author of an ABA Journal article “Recession-Proofing Your Practice.”
• Cordell Parvin, of Cordell Parvin LLC in Dallas who is a career coach and author of Rising Star: The Making of a Rainmaker.
• Susan Sneider, director of marketing and business development at Freeborn & Peters in Chicago and author of A Lawyer’s Guide to Networking.
The program is free for ABA members and $14.95 for nonmembers.
The presentation is the third in a series of four ABA programs about dealing with the recession. The final program, Staying Positive in a Down Economy: Beyond the “Group Hug”, will be at 1 p.m. ET on June 30.
The first two programs also are available online:
“How to Sell Yourself: Developing the Perfect Pitch”
“Solotions: Overcoming the Obstacles of Going and Being Solo in a Down Economy”