How much caffeine do you need to get through a workday?
Image from Shutterstock.
Regular NPR listeners probably know that last week was Coffee Week, and that a number of coffee-related stories were featured on Morning Edition and NPR blog The Salt. One blog post from last week explored whether caffeine makes us better workers. The short answer is that the right dose of caffeine can enhance alertness and concentration, while too large a dose (which, for some individuals, can be a very small serving) can bring on nervousness and irritability.
This week, we’d like to ask you: How much caffeine do you need to get through a workday? Or have you sworn it off for one reason or another—such as to get better sleep or to ward off stomach irritation or anxiety? And if you are a coffee fan who likes to get it on the go, feel free to share with us the name of your favorite local joint and your usual drink.
Answer in the comments.
Read the answers to last week’s question: Are the Socratic method and lecture-based classes the best way to teach law students?
Featured answers:
Posted by KRT: “Proponents of the Socratic method tout its ability to help students learn to ‘think on their feet.’ This would be plausible if every student were called on all the time. When I was in law school, teachers called on students once or twice per semester per class. This was not enough practice to develop anything. Worse, most class time was spent watching other students squirm after getting called on, all while trying to glean learning points from these circuitous exchanges. What a waste.”
Posted by American of African Descent: “Certainly the Socratic method requires the student to put the effort into his own education. He’s got to be prepared every day. He’s got to think through the answer to the professor’s question even if he’s not actually the one on call. And where he gets an answer that’s different, he’s got to be willing to (horrors!) ask questions during or after the lecture. In short, someone in a Socratic classroom has got to take charge of his education as opposed to waiting for the professor to feed him like a baby bird. A law school education is not an undergraduate education. And one would hope that a law student—someone who will have awesome power to affect people’s lives in a few short years—would expend some effort on his own behalf.”
Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.
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