How Do You Stay Fit?
In our increasingly time-crunched society, finding a few minutes to work in a daily dose of calisthenics can be a challenge.
So it’s no surprise that busy professionals—lawyers included—are using the time to and from work to get into or keep in shape.
Some are biking or jogging to work. Others may be getting off a few train early to get in a brisk walk.
This made us wonder how you stay fit in body and mind.
So tell us …
What do you do to work a good regular fitness routine into your schedule? Or are you just too busy and skip the workout entirely?
Answer in the comments, and take our poll to let us know how often you get your heart rate up.
Last week’s question bombed. So we’re posting another favorite answer from the previous week’s question: “What Legal Term-of-Art Blunders Are ‘Nails on a Chalkboard’ to Your Ears?”
Featured answer:
Posted by Tony Moss: “If only I had a buck for every time I’ve had to tell someone, ‘It’s not innocent until proven guilty—it’s innocent UNLESS…’ ‘Until’ implies that a finding of guilt is just a matter of time.”