Question of the Week

How do you manage your email?

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Work-related emails arriving at all hours can take their toll on your productivity. At Divorce Discourse, family lawyer and consultant Lee Rosen writes about an app that actually holds on to email and releases it in batches at designated times of the day to lessen the number of interruptions.

This week, we’d like to ask you: How do you manage your email? Do you check it all as it comes in? At different times of the day? Do you use filters and alerts so you see messages from “VIPs” immediately and can forget about the rest? How often will you check your email over the Thanksgiving holiday?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answer to last week’s question: Do you think the electoral college should be abolished?

Featured answers:

Posted by RHJ: “The electoral college must stay. If we lose it, we in the Midwest (where most of our food production, energy production and manufacturing comes from) will truly be ‘fly-over land.’ We are a republic, not a democracy, and the framers ingenious process should not be disturbed.”

Posted by AndytheLawyer: “Yes. It’s absurd and unfair to give more voting power to someone in Wyoming than in New Jersey. ‘States’ should have nothing to do with the presidential election. There’s a reason why in every other democracy on earth there’s no ‘popular vote’ compared to any other type of vote—there’s just a vote—just like for every other elective office in the U.S.A.”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.