How Do You Deal with Unsolicited Letters from Prisoners?
Image from Shutterstock.
A recent thread on the ABA’s SoloSez email discussion list focused on how fellow solosezzers deal with random letters from prisoners. While some lawyers say they ignore them, others say they respond with a form letter that has resulted in clients.
This made us wonder how you handle letters from prisoners, either involving criminal cases, appeals, family law or other legal matters.
So tell us…
What do you do when you receive unsolicited letters from prisoners? Do you respond to them or just toss the letters? Share your experiences in the comments below.
Read answers to last week’s question: “Has Student Loan Debt Impeded Your Romantic Relationships?”
Featured answer:
Posted by Lauren G: “My husband and I met in law school, graduating with a matching $150K each in loan debt. He, however, qualified for our school’s loan repayment program based on his work at a nonprofit organization. I worked at a firm and started paying off my loans. When he proposed a few years after graduation, I seriously argued in favor of living together and postponing actual marriage based on the fact that he’d lose his loan-repayment eligibility once our salaries were combined. We ended up married regardless—a romantic but fiscally foolish decision.”
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