Question of the Week

How Did Music Education Influence Your Life, Career?

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E Street Band guitarist and Sopranos actor Steven Van Zandt began beating the drum this week to protest cuts in arts programs in schools. He came to a news conference in Washington, D.C., on Monday armed with fresh stats from a new Harris Interactive poll that notes at least seven of 10 adults say music education had an influence on their personal fulfillment.

Add to that the connection between higher income for those who were musically inclined, and the poll was music to our ears.

So we wondered…

Did you take music lessons in school? And if so, how did participation in that garage band, glee club or orchestra influence your career and outlook on life?

Answer in the comments section below.

Read last week’s question and answers about switching sides of the advocacy aisle.

Thanks to Columbia, S.C., lawyer Paul de Holczer for passing on the Harris Interactive story.