Hurricane Ike

Houston Lawyers Blog About Hurricane Ike

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Some Houston lawyers who hunkered down for Hurricane Ike wrote about their experiences on their blogs.

Houston lawyer Tom Kirkendall, who lives about 30 miles north of Houston in The Woodlands, says his home isn’t expected to have power for two or three weeks, but he “survived Hurricane Ike just fine.”

“We were buffeted by hurricane and tropical storm winds and torrential rain for over 12 hours,” he wrote on his blog, Houston’s Clear Thinkers. “Such a lengthy period of high winds and heavy rain is extremely unusual for even a strong hurricane. The damage in The Woodlands is not as bad as most of the rest of the Houston area–mostly just downed trees, some of which damaged houses. However, as many of you outside of the Houston area have seen on television (virtually no one in the Houston area has power, so no television here), the devastation around the Houston area–particularly those areas close to the coast–is devastating.”

Another blogger, criminal defense lawyer Mark Bennett, considered himself “extraordinarily lucky.”

“The neighborhood is a mess,” he wrote on Saturday on his blog Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer. “Trees are shattered or downed. The only areas in Houston with power are downtown and the medical center.”