Hottie Lawyers Calendar Would Benefit Boston Legal Services
Attention hottie Massachusetts lawyers: A Boston lawyer is looking for you.
Lawyer Howie Altholtz, who is marketing director for Ruberto, Israel & Weiner, wants to produce a “Beautiful Lawyers Calendar” to help benefit Greater Boston Legal Services, the Boston Business Journal reports. Part of the proceeds would also go to the participants’ favorite charities. The calendar will sell for $19.95.
Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly is running ads seeking applications. The calendar will feature six men and six women, “decked out in glamorous attire and stunningly photographed in their ‘natural element,’ ” the ads says. The photos will “highlight the person behind the power suit.”
Lawyers will be featured in two poses, one serious and one in which they are participating in an outside activity such as sailing. “Will we see any lawyers in bathing suits?” the article asks. “Altholtz isn’t shedding light on the potential for legal briefs.”
A hat tip to Robert Ambrogi’s LawSites.