Law Firms

Holiday Party Critique: Bingham Event Was Sobering

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Am Law Daily reporter Vivia Chen is on the law firm party circuit and offered up a critique of the most recent one. With the economy in turmoil and law firms everywhere cutting back, it should be no surprise that Bingham McCutchen’s annual New York Public Library gala was more subdued.

Chen reports that Bingham opted for moderation over opulence this year, forgoing decor of past glory days that include life-size ice sculptures and enormous floral displays.

“Given the economy, we decided to adjust the party,” Robert Dombroff, the managing partner of Bingham’s New York office, is quoted saying.

But, apparently, the liquor still flowed and the food was aplenty: roast beef, sushi and pasta.

So what did Bingham do with the scaled-back party savings ($30,000)? The firm donated it to three area charities that are client favorites: Share Our Strength, City Wheels on Meals, and City Harvest.

“We have to admit that the evening was a bit sobering,” Chen concludes. “As we exited the library, we hoped for at least a memorable party favor (one year, we took back a cute stuffed puppy wearing a Bingham T). Instead, the parting gift was hot chocolate served in a plain paper cup—and it was barely warm.”

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