In-House Counsel

Hiring of Former Pentagon GC Not Big News to Chevron

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Chevron Corp. has hired William “Jim” Haynes II, the former Pentagon general counsel criticized for his role in approving harsh interrogation techniques, but the company didn’t rush to publicize its new acquisition.

Chevron informed its management committee it had hired Haynes as its chief corporate counsel on Feb. 27, but it didn’t send out a press release, Corporate Counsel reports. Instead the news was first reported on blogs last week and then on Newsweek’s website.

Chevron spokesman Kent Robertson defended its decision to keep the hiring quiet. “I don’t think we thought it was newsworthy,” he told Corporate Counsel.

Haynes was general counsel of the Defense Department from 2001 until his February resignation. He will manage Chevron’s 45-lawyer legal department and report to the general counsel.

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