
Headgear Policy Draws Protests

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A new federal policy that allows airport screeners to pat down anyone wearing a turban or other headgear is causing concern among Sikhs and Muslims.

The Sikh Coalition is protesting the policy, the New York Times reports. “The federal government has equated our most precious article of faith with terrorism,” said the group’s executive director, Amardeep Singh. “To send a message that the turban is dangerous sends the wrong message to society.”

Muslim women who cover their hair also expressed concern that they would be singled out because of the policy.

The Transportation Security Administration would not disclose why it changed its policy; Newsday wonders whether a monkey smuggled under a man’s hat had to something to do with the change. Spokesman Amy Kudwa said the concern was about any attire that could be used to hide explosives and the TSA was not engaging in profiling.

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