Have you ever heard sexist remarks while working as a lawyer?
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Last week, we took note of a lawyer who was sanctioned after telling his opposing counsel that it wasn’t “becoming of a woman or an attorney” to raise one’s voice at a deposition. The sanctioning judge called the remark “an indefensible attack” and said such remarks “reflect and reinforce the male-dominated attitude of our profession.”
This week, we’d like to ask you: Have you ever heard sexist remarks while working as a lawyer? Were the remarks directed at yourself or someone else? Tell us, too, about the reactions of your colleagues—whether they were stunned by what was said or done or thought it was not a big deal—and whether the remarks were uttered days ago or decades ago.
Answer in the comments.
Read the answers to last week’s question: Why did you leave your last job?
Featured answer:
Posted by Andrew: “I guessed the firm was going to go bust before some of the partners even knew that one of them was in trouble with personal debt. That’s what happens when a small firm allows a junior associate to go in on Saturday and open the mail!”
Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.
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