Law Schools

Harvard No. 1, Yale No. 8 in Latest Rankings

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UPDATED: Harvard Law School remains the top school, with Georgetown, University of Texas and the University of Virginia law schools trailing closely behind, according to the 9th edition of Judging the Law Schools.

In the rankings, Northwestern moved to 5th from 7th, and NYU was knocked down one notch from 5th to 6th. Yale dropped from 7th to 8th. The rankings are prepared by affiliates of Thomas M. Cooley Law School, which ranks 16th, above U.C. Berkeley, U.C. Hastings and Stanford. [More on the Battle of the Law School Rankings in this post.]

The publication compares all accredited law schools based on criteria identified as significant by the ABA’s Council of the Section on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, according to a release about the rankings.

Web users can search the rankings and compare schools by state or one of 32 factors, including tuition, LSAT scores and minority enrollment.

Below is the current top 20, with last year’s ranking in parentheses:

  1. Harvard University (1)
  2. Georgetown University (2)
  3. University of Texas (3)
  4. University of Virginia (4)
  5. Northwestern University (7)
  6. New York University (5)
  7. Columbia University (8)
  8. Yale Law School (6)
  9. University of Michigan (12)
  10. University of Minnesota (10)
  11. George Washington University (9)
  12. University of Pennsylvania (14)
  13. University of California-Los Angeles (18)
  14. American University (11)
  15. Fordham University (13)
  16. Thomas M. Cooley Law School (16)
  17. University of California-Berkeley (15)
  18. University of California-Hastings (19)
  19. Stanford University (22)
  20. Brooklyn Law School (23)

Updated at 7:54 a.m. Friday to note that the rankings were prepared by Cooley.