Criminal Justice

Grand jury recommends perjury charge against Pennsylvania AG; she vows not to resign

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Kathleen Kane

Image of Kathleen G. Kane from the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General.

Grand jurors have recommended criminal charges against Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane in connection with an investigation into a grand jury leak, according to unsealed documents released on Wednesday.

The recommended charges are perjury, false swearing, official oppression and obstruction, report the Legal Intelligencer, the Morning Call and the Philadelphia Inquirer. Perjury is the only felony among the recommended charges. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ordered the documents released in Kane’s challenge of the appointment of a special prosecutor in the leak probe.

Kane denied an illegal leak and denied lying about it to grand jurors, according to the Inquirer. “There was no crime committed,” Kane said. “And I made sure to tell the truth.” She has previously admitted releasing some information about the 2009 grand jury probe, but has said it was allowed by law, the Inquirer says.

The Morning Call also quotes remarks by Kane, made during an unrelated news conference. “That special prosecutor looking for leaks from my office in a grand jury didn’t even find them,” Kane said. “No, I won’t resign and I’ll tell you why. I told the people of Pennsylvania I would fight public corruption, and that is exactly what this is. The court systems are being used to overturn an election of somebody they just don’t like.”

A Montgomery County judge appointed the special prosecutor; the county DA will decide whether to prosecute. Some have alleged Kane leaked the documents to embarrass critics.

Related article: “Two lawmakers call for resignation of Pennsylvania AG over reports she may be indicted”

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