Law Practice

Gov't Atty to Put 'White Hat' on Targets

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A soon-to-be-former New York government regulator plans to switch sides and serve as a consultant helping those targeted by such probes to don a “white hat” and work cooperatively with the federal, state and/or local agency involved.

David M. Grandeau, a lawyer known as an aggressive state lobbying regulator, will leave his $129,000 state job next month when his job is eliminated, reports New York Lawyer (reg. req.), reprinting a New York Law Journal article. He is executive director of the Temporary State Commission on Lobbying, which is to become defunct on Sept. 21.

“There is a huge opportunity in the marketplace to help large companies avoid a negative interaction with government and government regulators,” Grandeau says. “I have spent 12 years as one of those regulators. I understand what interests a regulator when they are looking at prospective matters. A key component of that is the party you are investigating has to be perceived as the bad guy.”