Legal Technology

What's the future of Google Glass for law firms? Or a good app for handwritten notes on an iPad?

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From the Droid Lawyer blog by Oklahoma City lawyer Jeffrey Taylor:

If you want to see the future of Google Glass for law firms, here’s the possible answer. Ultimately, Google Glass will prove very effective for lawyers to accomplish their tasks. You might also see why I chose not to get Google Glass at this time. Still, the future looks bright.

Security for your Android tablet or smartphone is uber-important. Google released Android Device Manager to help remotely lock, wipe or locate your device. And it’s free.

From the iPhone J.D. blog by lawyer Jeff Richardson of New Orleans:

There are quite a few good apps that facilitate taking handwritten notes on an iPad using a stylus, but my favorite one is GoodNotes.

If you are in a mediation, Picture It Settled Lite is a free app that helps you visualize settlement negotiations and calculate your next offer.