Criminal Justice

George Zimmerman's Wife Is Arrested on Perjury Charge

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The wife of the man accused of shooting Trayvon Martin was arrested Tuesday on a charge of perjury.

Prosecutors allege Shellie Zimmerman lied about her family’s financial situation during an April bond hearing for her husband, George Zimmerman, report Reuters and the Orlando Sentinel. She was later released on a $1,000 bond.

Shellie Zimmerman testified the family had no money and she didn’t know how much money had been raised through a legal defense website, according to the Reuters account.

Prosecutors say that less than a week before the hearing, Shellie Zimmerman had transferred $74,000 from her husband’s account to her own account. Another $47,000 was transferred to an account held by George Zimmerman’s sister, according to an affidavit cited by the Sentinel. Shellie Zimmerman is also accused of withdrawing $18,000 in cash.

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