Family Law

Gay Marriage Measure Passes House Without Debate #ABAChicago

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Corrected: The ABA policy-making House of Delegates passed by an overwhelming voice vote a resolution calling on Congress to repeal a section of the Defense of Marriage Act that denies federal marital benefits and protections to lawfully married same-sex couples.

Despite the controversial nature of same-sex marriage, no one spoke in opposition to the measure itself.

“This is a very modest recommendation, some would even say a conservative recommendation,” said Estelle Rogers, a lawyer who is a consultant on civil rights and civil liberties issues in Washington, D.C.

The measure neither favors nor opposes civil marriage for same-sex couples, she said. It merely urges the federal government to recognize the rights provided by states which allow for such marriages, she said.

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Updated on Aug. 4. The initial post incorrectly reported Ms. Rogers was a lawyer with the civil rights group Advancement Project.