
‘Frequent Flier Program’ at Guantanamo Didn’t Involve Planes, Report Says

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A secret Canadian government report says a youth detained at Guantanamo Bay was deprived of sleep in an effort to make him more willing to talk during interrogations.

The report, unsealed this week, said Omar Khadr was transferred to a new cell every three hours to interrupt his sleep, the New York Times reports. The practice, carried on for three weeks, was referred to as a “frequent flier program,” the Globe and Mail reports. Khadr, a Canadian, was captured in Afghanistan and sent to Guantanamo at the age of 16.

The report (PDF posted by the New York Times), prepared by the Canadian department of foreign affairs, was based on a 2004 visit to Guantanamo by Canadian intelligence officials. Khadr’s lawyers obtained the report under a court order.