Firm Gossip Aired on Blogs
Law firms are losing the public relations battle on some blogs that post embarrassing information and critical comments about lawyers and management decisions.
The blogs post gossip about such things as sexual trysts and attorney firings, the National Law Journal reports. Management e-mails are another source of amusement, such as the one inviting associates to attend a Hillary Clinton luncheon for the “bargain” price of $500.
One blog, Skadden Insider, was created by two people working at New York-based Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. Another, Above the Law, focuses on legal gossip. Its editor is David Lat, a former federal appeals clerk who worked at a large law firm. (See “Scuttlebutt Central” in the November 2006 ABA Journal for more information on Lat.)
Lat told the NLJ he gets gossip from anonymous sources, helping people act on their human instinct to “unburden themselves of a secret.”