Supreme Court

Fingernails a 'Sports-Car Red,' Sotomayor Also Stands Out for 'Exuberant' Questioning

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When President Barack Obama was searching for a new U.S. Supreme Court justice, he made clear that he was looking for someone with real-world experience.

And that’s just what he got in Sonia Sotomayor, reports a New Yorker profile on the court’s newest associate justice.

Demonstrably different on multiple fronts from the staid image of other justices on the nation’s top court, she is unafraid not only to show up for her first day of work on the bench with “sports-car red” fingernails but to jump in and ask aggressive down-to-earth questions, the magazine recounts. Among them: “What do you mean by ‘even-handed,’ please?”

“Sotomayor’s questions in her first week on the bench established her as the court’s most exuberant rookie interrogator since Scalia, who, in 1986, had irked Justice Lewis Powell by hogging the floor,” the profile recounts. The situation prompted Powell to whisper to Justice Thurgood Marshall at one point: “Do you think he knows that the rest of us are here?”

Hat tip: Above the Law.

Earlier coverage: “Sotomayor Opts for Red Nails and ‘a Friend with No Strings Attached’” “Sotomayor Hearings Remind Women of Issues Female Attorneys Face” “Sotomayor Described as Intense, Chain-Smoking, Caffeinated Prosecutor”

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