White-Collar Crime

Financial Adviser Reportedly Was Paid $33M While 'Verifying' Fictitious Rothstein Settlements

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A bankruptcy trustee apparently is seeking a court-ordered asset freeze in an effort to recover up to $33 million that reportedly was paid to a financial adviser who “verified” to investors fictitious legal settlements on which former Rothstein Rosenfeldt Adler managing partner Scott Rothstein based his now-admitted Ponzi scheme.

The This Just In blog of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports that “bankruptcy attorneys” are seeking the freeze on Michael Szafranski’s assets after a deposition last month in which he took the Fifth some 1,000 times.

His legal counsel, Carlos de Zayas, said Szafranski invoked his constitutional right to remain silent because he is “within the scope” of an ongoing federal investigation into Rothstein’s alleged $1.2 billion swindle, according to a deposition transcript.

The newspaper could not immediately reach De Zayas for comment today.

Related earlier coverage:

ABAJournal.com: “Trustee Sues Rothstein Partner for $10M, Alleges Charges for Jewelry, Home Repairs & Reptiles”

ABAJournal.com: “CBS: Lawyer Stung Mafia Suspects to Get Witness Time in $1.2B Scheme”

Daily Business Review: “Feds, Rothstein Firm Trustee in Tug of War Over Assets”

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