ABA Midyear

Fight fraudulent foreclosure rescue practices, House of Delegates urge governments

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After a false start last August, the Section on Individual Rights and Responsibilities was able to pass its resolution condemning “foreclosure rescue” fraud.

According to delegate Estelle Rogers, who presented Resolution 111C, the resolution ran into trouble with the Standing Committee on Professional Discipline, which is wary of resolutions that appear to call for federal regulation of attorneys.

After retooling the resolution, IRR was able to bring it back for consideration with the support of the Standing Committee. Rogers said she was confident that Resolution 111C addresses bad lawyers “without removing them from the professional regulation system that has served us well for so many years.”

For similar reasons, IRR withdrew Resolution 111B, which called for several measures protecting consumers’ right to data privacy. This is an ongoing issue fueled by high-profile data breaches, most recently a nationwide breach of information held by health insurer Anthem. IRR chair Mark Schickman of California said because Congress is considering a law on the same issue, the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights, the section withdrew its resolution and plans to introduce it again at the 2015 Annual Meeting in Chicago.