Criminal Justice

Federal Judge in Fla. Gives Md. Lawyer 10 Years in Teen Enticement-Attempt Case

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Corrected: A Maryland lawyer who unsuccessfully sought a do-over after taking a plea last year in a federal case in which he was accused of traveling to Florida to seek sex with a 14-year-old boy who didn’t actually exist has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Howard Scott Kalin, 48, must also serve 20 years of probation once he is released from prison, reports the Orlando Sentinel.

An earlier post details the case against Kalin in federal court in Orlando.

He was convicted of attempted enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity. Reportedly, he spent months chatting on the Internet with a man he thought was the uncle of a 14-year-old “bored nephew.” In fact, the recipient of the communications was a Lake County sheriff’s detective.

Last updated Saturday to clarify that the 10-year sentence was pursuant to plea deal.

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