Trials & Litigation

Federal prosecutor and ATF agent sidelined after affair comes to light; 3 new trials granted so far

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During his trial for selling guns illegally, a client of Georgia defense attorney Amy Lee Copeland’s watched a federal prosecutor challenge his girlfriend’s credibility as a witness.

The girlfriend shouldn’t be believed, contended prosecutor Cameron Ippolito, because of her relationship with the defendant, Christopher Walker. But, unbeknownst to the defense at the time, the prosecutor also had a bias that might have swayed the jury, Copeland said in a court filing: Ippolito was having an affair with the federal agent who served as a lead investigator in the case.

After the five-year relationship between Ippolito and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms special agent Lou Valoze was revealed by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Georgia, new trials were granted for Walker and two other defendants. Both Ippolito and Valoze have been barred by the Southern District’s judges from appearing in court there in a professional capacity. A federal investigation is ongoing to determine whether the prosecutor and the agent colluded to present misleading or false testimony, the Daily Report (sub. req.) recounts.

The Department of Justice Office of Inspector General is investigating claimed collaboration by Ippolito and Valoze to falsify a visa application for an ATF informant, reports WTOC.

Walker’s case and others handled by Copeland were brought as a result of a federal sting in Brunswick. Dubbed “Operation Thunderbolt,” it involved selling cigarettes, electronics and other items at deep discounts at ATF storefronts in low-income neighborhoods, the Daily Report explains. Customers were encouraged to sell illegal guns and drugs to the feds, then charged with crimes.

At last report, it appeared that Ippolito and Valoze worked together on at least 200 cases.

Earlier Florida Times-Union and Savannah Morning News stories provide additional details.

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