
Ex-Prosecutor Faces Prostitution-Attempt Charge After Cellphone Search in Domestic Violence Probe

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A former Washington state prosecutor is facing a misdemeanor charge of attempting to patronize a prostitute following a search of his cellphone by deputies investigating a domestic violence complaint by his ex-girlfriend.

Jeffrey W. Holmes, 31, had worked since 2006 as an assistant Clark County prosecutor and focused on felony domestic violence cases. He resigned last month, after the allegations made by his former fiancee–which did not result in a criminal charge, because Holmes acted in self-defense–led authorities to seize his cellphone and discover alleged emails between the prosecutor and prostitutes discussing sex and prices, reports the Columbian.

To avoid a conflict of interest, the case against Holmes is being pursued in another jurisdiction.

Skamania County Prosecutor Adam Kick said no charge was made against Holmes concerning the domestic violence investigation because, “it would have been very difficult to overcome his very plausible self-defense claim.”

Holmes could not be reached by the newspaper for comment.