
EU to Renew Probe of Secret CIA Prisons

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The European Union plans to reopen an earlier investigation of secret CIA prisons in foreign countries there.

After news reports of a new secret prison in the Ukraine to which the U.S. allegedly has sent terrorism suspects, the EU is reopening an investigation of member governments “accused of allowing the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency to house, interrogate and transport prisoners on European soil,” writes Reuters.

“Ukraine and also many European governments collaborated with [the] CIA in this… and we want to know who is responsible,” said European Parliament member Giulietto Chiesa today.

As discussed in an earlier ABAJournal.com post, so-called “black sites”—foreign prisons to which the CIA allegedly sent some terrorism suspects for interrogation using techniques that are tantamount to torture—reportedly were established after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Although it appeared, at one point last year, that the practice had been ended, subsequent news reports say it has continued.

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