Labor & Employment

EEOC Sues Restaurant, Says It Allowed Sheriff's Deputy to Harass Waitresses

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The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed a sexual harassment suit against a South Florida restaurant, contending that it discriminated against employees by allowing a Palm Beach County sheriff’s deputy who was a frequent customer there to create a hostile work environment.

Filed Tuesday, the federal suit contends that the Hurricane Grill and Wings in Royal Palm Beach failed to respond appropriately to complaints from waitresses that the deputy, now 57, commented on and tried to photograph their breasts, showed them sexually explicit photographs of himself and his wife and suggestesd threesomes, reports the Palm Beach Post.

The deputy declined to comment and the restaurant’s owner did not respond to the newspaper’s request for comment. The suit, which also alleges that the restaurant retaliated against a waitress by firing her, seeks compensatory and punitive damages.

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