Law in Popular Culture

Economics Blog Posts by Judge Posner & U of Chicago Prof Morph Into Book

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Two well-known economic thinkers at the University of Chicago are morphing their best blog posts into a book.

Uncommon Sense: Economic Insights, from Marriage to Terrorism is being published by the University of Chicago Press, the Becker-Posner Blog reports.

The blog is authored by professor Gary Becker and Judge Richard Posner of the Chicago-based 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

The UofC Press publishing page that promotes the $29 paperback, promises that, “Whether it’s Posner making the economic case for the legalization of gay marriage, Becker arguing in favor of the sale of human organs for transplant, or even the pair of scholars vigorously disagreeing about the utility of collective punishment, with reference to Israel’s battles with Hezbollah and Hamas, the writing is always clear, the interplay energetic, and the resulting discussion deeply informed and intellectually substantial.”

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