Criminal Justice

Driver is ticketed for speeding 4 times in less than 3 hours

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Loretta Lacy was ticketed four times in less than 3 hours in Minnesota on Friday as she drove from South Dakota to Wisconsin along Interstate 90.

Said by other motorists to be speeding and weaving through traffic, the 49-year-old was first ticketed by the state patrol at around 2:30 p.m. for speeding and driving without insurance after being clocked at 112 mph, the Star Tribune reports. Lacy’s daughter told the newspaper that her mother was trying to get to Racine, Wis., in time for her granddaughter’s winter formal dance. She did not make it there in time.

Three of Lacy’s subsequent tickets were for allegedly speeding at 99 mph and twice at 88 mph. At least twice, Lacy was also cited for lacking insurance.

Although the Sioux Falls, S.D., resident potentially faces enhanced penalties for exceeding the speed limit by 20 mph, the Friday drive could have gone worse for Lacy, Patrol Lt. Eric Roeske told the newspaper.

Since she only drove once at a triple-digit speed, the alleged petty misdemeanor violations weren’t grounds for taking her off the road, he explained. Had she been ticketed a second time for speeding at over 100 mph, it could have been a different story.

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