Law Firms

Hairdo Advice a Don't at Cleary Gottlieb

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A magazine editor’s hairstyle advice to African-American female lawyers at Cleary Gottlieb has raised the ire of many bloggers.

The editor from Glamour magazine, speaking at a luncheon on the dos and don’ts of corporate fashion, said the lawyers should avoid “political” hairstyles such as Afros and dreadlocks, American Lawyer reports.

“So whose bright idea was it to bring in the Glamour editor anyway?” sniffs Above the Law.

“I suspect that the Glamour editor had no freakin’ idea that law firms are far more accepting places these days than the mainstream fashion world,” another blogger wrote.

Glamour told American Lawyer the editor was a junior staffer who spoke without the knowledge or approval of her supervisor. Glamour has a “long-standing commitment to inclusion and diversity,” the magazine said in an e-mailed statement.

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