Dog lawyer also advocates for parakeet
Boston Dog Lawyers specializes in the defense of canines deemed to be recalcitrant.
That can be a tough gig: At least once, attorney Jeremy Cohen told the Boston Herald, a client bit him.
“It’s kind of hard to advocate for a dog in a dog-biting case when he bites you,” Cohen said, “but I don’t have to disclose it. Attorney-client privilege.”
However, owners can be very attached to their pets, treating them as family members, so such legal representation is much-needed.
And it isn’t only dogs who benefit from his services: The owner of a parakeet sought his help in recouping some $5,000 in veterinary bills that resulted from claimed malpractice.
Due to improper restraint of the bird during treatment, he essentially bit off its own toe, Cohen says, which is a significant problem because the parakeet needs to sleep while perched.
“The woman said to me, ‘I don’t have any children. This is my baby.’ ” Cohen recounted. “So it’s serious to her.”
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