Law Students

Document Your Inspiration for a $10K Law School Scholarship

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Law students still have just over a month to create a video and attempt to win $10,000 toward law school tuition.

Entrants’ videos—which must be uploaded onto this YouTube page by July 15 and be no more than 4 minutes long—must address what inspired them to want to become a lawyer. Anyone enrolled in law school as of Aug. 1 is eligible to take a chance at the $10,000 prize or one of up to five $1,500 honorable mention awards.

“At some point—OK, at a lot of points—you’re going to wonder if all of the studying, sacrificing and worrying you’ll do is worth it. And, when you do realize it, it’s because: You were inspired.” the nonprofit student loan company Access Group says on its contest page.

According to the official rules of the contest, entries will be scored on creativity, humor, realism, quality and overall appeal. Contestants are also advised to keep copyrighted or trademarked materials out of their entries.

The theme of last year’s contest was the worries of law students.