Question of the Week

Do you read book reviews?

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In the latest issue of the ABA Journal, legal writing expert Bryan Garner laments that book reviews are disappearing from publications. “It might well be that less demand for serious book criticism exists simply because fewer serious readers exist,” he writes. He says that brief online reviews—which may be written by the authors themselves—abound, but book reviews by professionals with subject-matter expertise are harder to find.

So this week, we’d like to ask you: Do you read book reviews? Or listen to book podcasts? If not, why not? And if so, why do you seek them out, and what are your favorite sources for reviews?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to the last question: What fonts do you use in briefs and other professional correspondence?

Featured answer:

Posted by Michael Poulos: “I have been using Palatino for 28 years. A few years ago, I tested 20 fonts for use in the standard real estate contract used in the Chicago area, and the one that survived faxing best was Palatino. You cannot get as much in on a page as with Times New Roman, but it is very easy to read on paper and on screen and has an elegant look.”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.