Question of the Week

What are your time-saving habits?

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This week on Inc., writer Betty Liu shares the time-saving habits of some CEOs.

For instance, she writes, Nasdaq CEO Bob Greifeld “tries to fit in a workout at the gym and says one of the ways he shaves a little time out of his morning is to change in the car.”

Liu herself says she started skipping sugar to save time. “After repeatedly waiting in line at the Starbucks for my skinny latte, spending a few extra seconds trundling over to the condiments bar to empty two packets of sugar and stir started to seem like a few extra seconds too many. … So just like that, I decided I could live with drinking sugar-free coffee forever and, in return, got a few extra seconds of my life (plus a few calories) back. It sounds so minimal, but it became a timesaving habit that stuck.”

We know that your workdays have time sucks. So this week, we’d like to know how you alleviate them. Do you have any time-saving habits? Have you learned to perfectly time walks to the train or the lunch counter to avoid waiting idly? Have you found ways to be productive in what used to be idle time?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: Are you barraged with ‘humblebrags’ on social media or in person?

Featured answer:

Posted by JustTess4all said: “OMG! YES … because I am so popular, I get them all the time. Everyone wants to tell me their business because I am so kind and understanding! It is just so much work to try to help these poor people day in and day out … (yes, that is my attempt at humor—don’t hate me!)”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.