Question of the Week

Do You Engage in Any Good-Luck Rituals?

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This week, we noted a report that some New Yorkers—lawyers included—employ “smudgers” to clear their homes of the negative energy they feel has been left behind by prior owners or tenants through ritual acts such as burning sage inside the space.

Lawyer Ziporah Riech hired a smudger because she wanted to wipe out bad memories of delays and problems with her recent apartment renovation. Reich told the New York Times that she’s always been interested in good-luck rituals. “While growing up in Brooklyn, she watched how neighbors and friends brought bread and salt as housewarming gifts, a tradition among Jews, Russians and others,” the Times wrote. “While living in Japan, she noticed that car dealers blessed cars before buyers started driving them.”

This made us wonder about your rituals involving work.

So tell us …

Do you engage in any good-luck rituals before trials, depositions or important client meetings? If so, what is your ritual? And does it always seem to work for you?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answer to last week’s question: What Are Three Things You Resolve to Do to Improve Your Law Practice in 2011?

Featured answer:

Posted by Jick:

“Get along better with opposing counsel.

“Write the brief, say everything, sleep on it, then rewrite with a more serene perspective.

“Lower my expectations and increase my empathy for everyone and everything everywhere.”

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