Question of the Week

Do You Celebrate Victory With Fists Pumped Toward the Sky?

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Now that we know from scientists that it’s human nature, indeed, animal nature to celebrate victory with fist bumps, chest-puffing, hands-thrust-in-the-air moves and silly dances, we wondered how you find yourself celebrating a particularly sweet or hard-fought victory … especially in the confines of a staid court environment.

Do you stifle all reaction? Or have you let out a yelp or two with a fist-pounding, “Yeah!” Also, tell us if you’ve seen judges frown on anyone for reacting too strongly or inappropriately when celebrating a court victory.

Answer in the comments below.

Read the answers to last week’s question about watching the Olympics.

And now to announce the Gold, Silver and Bronze winners from last week:

Bronze goes to “Should-a-been-a-dancer” who wrote in this excerpt: “I’ll sneak a peak, to remember what it felt like to be young and fit.”

Silver goes to “Public Housing Escapee”: “I plan to watch the equine events. I had trained to ride and hoped to be the first Olympic equestrienne of color but law school debt and the persistent lack of a well-heeled sponsor killed that dream. So, I just watch the experts. It should be interesting to see how they accomplish a 3-day event in all of that “mist”. Tally-ho!”

Gold is a tie, going to “J.D.” who wrote, “I plan on throwing every ‘Made in China’ item in my apartment into a bonfire.”; and to “NN” who quipped, “Hey J.D., will there be anything left?”

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