Labor & Employment

Detroit to Tell Workers to Tone Down Scented Products Under ADA Settlement

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The scent of litigation success isn’t a sweet smell for at least one plaintiff who recently won a $100,000 settlement in a federal Americans with Disabilities Act discrimination case.

As part of the pact in the federal lawsuit filed by planner Susan McBride, the city of Detroit has agreed to encourage workers to tone down or eliminate the perfume, aftershave, deodorant and other scented products to which she reacts adversely, according to the Detroit News.

Signs are to be posted in three city government buildings to this effect, the article notes, although it isn’t entirely clear how the request can be enforced.

The scent sensitivity issue will also be addressed in employee handbooks and ADA training, the Associated Press reports.

The case originated over perfume and a plug-in air freshener used by a co-worker of McBride’s, reports Fox News. McBride sued when her original requests for the elimination of these products wasn’t promptly complied with.

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