
Despite Defamation Suit, Courtney Love Twitters On

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What a news agency describes as “online rants” have landed singer Courtney Love in court.

Love is being sued in California by an Austin, Texas, fashion designer known as Boudoir Queen, for allegedly posting defamatory material about the plaintiff on Twitter and MySpace, reports the Associated Press. The Los Angeles Superior Court case was filed yesterday.

However, despite this threat of a possible damages award down the road, Love is still Twittering, according to New York magazine’s Vulture blog.

In fact, she is twittering quite a bit, apparently beginning around 5 a.m. this morning, the blog reports, citing a “TweetDeck … chock-full of nothing but Courtney Love” as the day began today.

For those who wish to attempt to decipher Love’s stream-of-consciousness thoughts this morning on what must apparently have been dozens, if not hundreds, of Tweets, the full text is provided, in chronological order, on the Vulture post.

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