Constitutional Law

Dad Can Take His 3-Year-Old Daughter to Church, Judge Rules

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Threatened with possible contempt sanctions for taking his young daughter to church, Joseph Reyes as of today has the court’s permission to do so—and he can visit with her annually on Christmas and Easter.

However, it is still possible that Reyes will be penalized for defying an earlier court order banning the 3-year-old from attending church with her dad, even though Cook County Circuit Judge Renee Goldfarb ruled today that he can now do so, reports the Chicago Tribune.

Reyes and the girl’s mother, who are now divorcing, have been battling over whether she will be raised in the Jewish religion or will also be exposed to her father’s Catholic heritage. Rebecca Reyes, who has full custody, said the couple agreed their daughter, Ela, would be Jewish; Joseph Reyes says they agreed she would be exposed to both.

Additional details are reported in a Chicago Sun-Times article.

Additional coverage: “Dad Argues Taking Daughter to Church Shouldn’t Be Considered Contempt”

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